Scrap solutions, zipper-style!

Back today with a couple more tutorials featuring quick and easy way to use up your scrap fabric. (Although when I see other people’s tutorials, I often end up liking their fabric choices and then want to use something new, which sort of defeats the using-up-the-scraps concept!)

1. Triple Zip Pouch by Debbie at A Quilter’s Table

Not 1, not 2, but 3 zippers! Debbie’s tutorial is super clear and easy to follow, so even if you’re a novice at zippers, you’ll be able to make this cute bag. Have fun mixing and matching scraps–you can even create a patchwork look for the back of the bag or the bottom section.

Tutorial graphic

And, going super small:

2. Teeny Little iPod Cozy by Emily at Mommy’s Nap Time

There’s just something about a tiny project that is so compelling! Even if you don’t have an iPod, I’m sure you can find a purpose for this flat little zip pouch. Be sure to pick fabric with a small print, though, or you won’t see the design.

ipod case tutorial

3. Pontoms Pouch by Emily at Mommy’s Nap Time

Another super-small project which can be attached to a keychain. Emily likes to make these out of laminated fabric, and she’s got a great upcycling tip for an unexpected source for this type of fabric.


Have you seen any great scrap tutorials out there? Let me know about them!


Scraps…we’ve all got them and we’re always looking for ideas on how to use them up, and create something neat at the same time.

Today I’m sharing some inspiration: three easy-to-sew and functional projects that you can make from your fabric stash.

1. Kindle Case Tutorial by Jennifer at Ellison Lane

This project is perfect for a combination of small and larger scraps, and you can pick a favorite print to showcase in the pieced square on the front. Make one for yourself, or sew up one as a gift (hey, father’s day is around the corner, and with some modern and/or manly prints, you can be ready to go!).


2. Needlebook Tutorial by Jennifer  at Ellison Lane

This project is so cute that even friends who can’t thread a needle will want one! Plus, it’s functional–who couldn’t use a needlebook for sewing emergencies or buttons that pop off? Tiny pieces means an opportunity to use up those smaller scraps. The inside of the needlebook has two pockets–so much fun to decide which fabrics to put where!


3. Lego Storage Bag by Leigh at Freshly Pieced.

Ideal for larger scrap pieces and/or strips leftover from other projects–kids will love it! This storage bag opens up to become a playmat, and then the drawstring closure makes for easy cleanup.

lego bag


What is your favorite scrap project? What do you want to make with your scraps?

Drowning in Scraps

Hi. My name is Jodi and I have a fabric problem. I’m ok with that. I accept it. My lovely husband even accepts it, thank goodness! However, I’m ashamed to admit, I also have… a scrap problem. Hoarding scraps is not quite as charming as collecting fabric by the bolt! But hey, I might NEED them for something one day…right? Well I happen to own a fabric store so I have A LOT of scraps! Big ones, little ones and everything in between. You can only imagine! So many that it’s time to share the wealth!


I’m declaring May SCRAP MONTH!!

There will be new scrap bags, bundles and end of bolts added to the shop DAILY! There will be a scrap bag a day featured on Facebook and LOTS of scrappy tutorials and craft ideas on the blog!

If you have any great scrappy projects, let me know!

Happy May!